Angela Koenig

Angela Koenig

Angela Koenig was born in California, raised in Nebraska, and now resides in Illinois.

She has worked at a number of occupations including janitor, teacher, house painter, proofreader, and telephone operator. A practicing autodidact, some of her interests are recent and ancient history, literature, Gaelic, and geology, yet when all is said and done, it’s reading that’s the point.

She always wanted to write, and there’s an unfinished novel about an orphan puppy started when she was in fifth grade, but it wasn’t until a little Apple made instant editing possible that the dam broke.

She believes that story is serious stuff, that through fiction we can see further and feel more deeply, and she hopes that her stories contribute to this goal. She is the author of Rebellion in Ulster and Rendezvous in the Himalaya. 
