The Wolf and the Unicorn by Ali Spooner


Ready to explore a steamy, passionate, and tantalizing erotica romance….

Keagan and Celeste have built a solid relationship on trust and independence. A successful surgeon, Keagan understands Celeste’s supercharged libido and her desire to experience a variety of sexual encounters. Everything changes when Sky, a new doctor, arrives at the hospital, and Celeste is immediately drawn to the younger woman. Keagan is surprised when she is also attracted to Sky, who shares common interests with Celeste and her. When more than a physical attraction develops, the three women discover a loving relationship beyond the bedroom.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Keagan Wilks, a successful orthopedic surgeon, finished her run and walked in through the garage. Her schedule for a Friday had been light, and she had taken the opportunity to come home early to get a long run in to end the week. Work had been hectic with several major reconstruction procedures, and Keagan looked forward to a long, relaxing weekend with her wife, Celeste. Maybe we should slip away for a private weekend somewhere. The beach or mountains would be great.

Celeste’s car was in the garage. She must have had an early end to her day, too. Perfect, we can throw some clothes together and beat rush hour traffic out of the city.

The run through a nearby park had reminded her that fall was waning into winter. The last of the leaves that were brilliant colors just several weeks ago were now faded and falling into a blanket of muted colors. There was a crispness in the air and evidence of an early season fireplace burning floating on the breeze. Keagan placed her empty water flask in the sink and walked through the house. She could hear the shower in the master bedroom. Keagan began stripping on the way down the hall. A hot shower with a sexy woman was exactly what she needed, even if it caused them to get stuck in a flood of traffic.

Celeste was massaging the shampoo onto her scalp as Keagan entered the shower and placed her hands in the rich lather that covered her wife’s shoulder-length hair. Keagan’s lips kissed Celeste’s neck.

“Mmm. Welcome home, love,” Celeste said.

“I got home early and decided to go for a run,” Keagan said as her fingers ran through the thick curls. “Lean forward, and I’ll rinse you.”

Celeste stepped backward into Keagan’s body and bent her head forward as Keagan rinsed the shampoo from her head.

Kegan’s hands floated down the front of Celeste’s body, brushing away the shampoo lather. She smiled as she felt Celeste’s nipples grow hard. Celeste turned to face her and kissed Keagan with passion.

“I’ve missed you today,” she whispered, placing her forehead on Keagan’s.

“I was never more than two floors away from you all day.” Keagan chuckled.

“I know, but that feels like miles sometimes.” Celeste’s fingers traced the dimples on her wife’s face.

Keagan’s hands brushed down Celeste’s body to her hips. “I had an idea when I was running. Winter is right around the corner. Why don’t we pack a bag and take off for the weekend? Beach or mountains. Your choice.”

“That would be a great idea if we didn’t have a previous commitment,” Celeste answered.

“What am I forgetting?”

“Tonight is the birthday party Tonya plans every year for Maxine.”

“Well fuck. I had totally forgotten. That sneaks up on me every year.”

“I got some ideas from Tonya and bought Maxine a new set of golf irons. Tonya said she’s been drooling over them for months.”

“You would think a hospital administrator would buy anything she wanted. It’s not like she can’t afford them. Thanks for having my back on this one, though. I’m sure Maxine will be ecstatic.”

Celeste took Keagan’s face in her hands. “Maxine is so much like you. She will buy anything in the world for Tonya but hesitates regarding her desires. Just like you.”

“Hey, now. I bought some new running shoes last week,” Keagan said in self-defense.

“Only because the soles had separated. I was worried you would wrap them in duct tape to get a few more miles out of them.”

“Damn, I didn’t think about that. The Gorilla Glue didn’t work.”

“My point exactly. You can afford to have a pair of top-of-the-line running shoes for every day of the week, but you wear them until they are see-through.”

“I bought two pairs, so hopefully, I won’t wear them out so quickly.” Keagan grinned. “I’ll pick up some duct tape to have it on hand,” she teased. “What time do we have to meet up tonight?”

“We have reservations at the steak house for six and then our annual trip to Lynn’s bar for drinks and dancing afterward.”

“That place is still open?”

“One of the few women’s bars left in town,” Celeste answered. “They certainly aren’t as prevalent as in our day.”

“You make us sound old.” Keagan frowned. “Do I need to remind you we both are pushing forty? That is not old.”

“No, darling, it’s not. We are just hitting our stride.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, but I’m not ready for a rocking chair on the porch just yet. You are just as beautiful as when we met fifteen years ago.” Keagan’s lips brushed across Celeste’s on her way down her body. “We may have a date on the town tonight, but right now, I’m going to have steamy shower sex with the woman of my dreams.”

“Damn, I love it when you talk like that,” Celeste said with a desire-filled voice.

“Consider it an appetizer for now. We’ll have the full course when we get home tonight.”

Celeste buried her hands in Keagan’s hair as she knelt before her. “Holy fuck,” she groaned when two of Keagan’s strong fingers slipped into her body as her lips and tongue teased her exposed clit.

Keagan knew every sensitive spot on Celeste’s body, and within minutes, she was trembling in orgasm. She stood, leaving her fingers deep inside Celeste, and pressed her into the wall of the shower as they kissed deeply. Keagan’s fingers brought out a second orgasm as Celeste’s arms clung to her for support. When the spasms deep inside Celeste calmed, Keagan eased her fingers from within Celeste.

“That will have to do until I can ravish you when we get home,” she whispered tenderly.

Celeste’s fingers traced down Keagan’s long arms. “We have time to finish bathing and grab a power nap before we dress for the night.”

“So we can stay out until midnight?” Keagan teased.

“That would be a first in a long time,” Celeste answered.

“Do you miss partying?”

“I miss dancing, but I love coming home with you to love the night away.”

Keagan turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, handing Celeste a towel to dry off. “I assume you already have our clothes picked out for tonight.”

“Of course,” Celeste said, hanging her towel and reaching for Keagan’s hand.



Keagan wrapped her body around Celeste and breathed in the scent of the body wash. Her damp curls fanned out on her pillow as she reached for Keagan’s hand to pull her close. Keagan closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep. She had developed the habit during med school when she worked sixteen to eighteen-hour shifts and could only power nap between emergencies. Keagan could sleep for an hour and work for another eight without problems. Now that she was an established surgeon, she had a regular surgical schedule and office hours in between, and she had a full day in the office on Thursdays. On the rarity of a slow week, Keagan would slip out for a day of golf with Maxine on Wednesdays.



When the alarm sounded, Celeste was still in her arms. She turned to face Keagan. “If you want to get started in the bathroom, I’ll lay out our clothes.”

“What? I can’t go out with bedhead?”

“No, darling, I wouldn’t advise it. Halloween has already passed.”

“Ouch. Is it that bad?”

Celeste wrinkled up her face. “’Fraid so, my love.”

Keagan rolled off the bed and pulled out black boi shorts and a sports bra. “Nothing white tonight, right?”

“Nope, black is good,” Celeste said as Keagan walked into the bathroom. She laid out black jeans across the bed for both of them, a red pullover for Keagan, and a yellow sweater for herself. Black belts, loafers for Keagan, and low-cut boots for herself finished their wardrobes. Keagan had styled her hair and brushed her teeth when she entered. She spritzed on perfume as Celeste walked by.

“Mmm, my favorite,” she said.

Celeste wrapped her arms around Keagan and breathed deeply. She looked into the mirror and locked eyes with her. “Have I told you lately how sexy you are?”

“With or without the bedhead?”

“Both. I love every beautiful inch of you.”

Keagan turned in Celeste’s arms. “Are you sure we can’t claim a sudden illness and skip the party tonight?”

“Maxine is your best friend on top of being our boss. I don’t think we have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting away with that.”

Keagan shrugged. “It was worth a try.”

“Yes, it was.” Celeste kissed her. “Go get dressed,” she said and gave Keagan’s ass cheeks a squeeze.



“Who’s driving?”

“Maxine’s present is in my trunk, so I guess I am,” Celeste answered.

Keagan took the keys. “I’ll drive so you can get your party girl mode on.”

“I want you to have fun, too.”

“I’ll have a drink or two, but I’ll keep them spread out. You know I can sip a cocktail for hours.”

“You win.” Celeste walked to the passenger side of the car without argument.



Keagan carried the large package into the restaurant, and they located the private banquet room. She took the gift to the table reserved for gifts and joined Celeste. “Happy Birthday,” she said, hugging Maxine.

“Thanks, I’m glad you could make it. I was worried the other day when you were talking about fleeing town for a weekend.”

“It will happen soon. Before it turns cold,” Keagan said.

“Hey. You two look hot as hell, as usual. Have you met Sky?” Tonya asked.

“Sky Brooks is our new pathologist,” Maxine said. “She joined us this week, and I thought this might be a good way for her to meet the essential players. This beautiful woman is Celeste Craft. She’s our Chief Nursing Officer, and her lovely wife and killer golf player is Dr. Keagan Wilks. The finest ortho surgeon in the state.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Sky said.

“Likewise,” Keagan said. She would have had to be blind to miss the inability of the young doctor to pull her eyes away from Celeste. She smiled. Celeste was a beautiful woman, and she frequently had this reaction from others. Keagan felt no need for jealousy. Celeste may tease the hell out of someone, but she always went home with her. Keagan presumed it made her wife feel young to be desired, and she was good with that.

“Ladies, may I get you something to drink?”

Keagan looked at the wait staff. “An amaretto on the rocks for me. Gin and tonic for my wife, please.”

“I’ll be right back with your drinks. The appetizers will soon be out,” the woman told Tonya.

Keagan turned her attention back to Sky. “Where are you from?”

“Texas originally. I finished my residency in New Orleans last year.”

“No desire to return to Texas?” Celeste asked.

“None whatsoever. I wanted to spread my wings and see other places,” Sky said, aiming a charming smile at Celeste.

“I imagine Nashville is a bit different from Texas,” Maxine said.

“Austin is the most similar, but Nashville is much prettier,” Sky said, still looking at Celeste.

After their drinks were delivered, several platters of appetizers were placed on the table. “Should we find our seats?” Maxine asked.

Keagan and Celeste sat next to Maxine, and Sky sat next to Tonya across the table from Celeste.

The platters circulated the table, and Maxine leaned in to whisper to Keagan. “She has no clue how she affects young hormones, does she?”

“None whatsoever.” Keagan smiled. “She never meets a stranger and has a way of making everyone feel special.”

“Are you two conspiring over there?” Celeste asked.

“No, sweetheart. Maxine was trying to guess what we brought for her birthday.”

“Unsuccessfully, I might add. Keagan wouldn’t give me a clue.”

“Good job, darling,” Celeste said. She took a bite of the spicy shrimp appetizer and reached for her water. “These are much spicier than I remember.”

“I thought the same thing,” Tonya said. “Maybe our tastebuds are changing,” she said with a wink to Celeste.

“I think I just torched mine,” Celeste said.

“These are mild compared to some they serve in Texas,” Sky said.

“Remind me to skip that order in Texas then,” Celeste stated. “I like spice but not being overwhelmed by it.”

“Do you want me to order something else?” Keagan asked.

Celeste shook her head. “I’m saving room for that delicious steak I am about to consume.”

“We have ordered your favorite dessert, too,” Tonya said.

“I’ll have to dance for hours to work that off.”

Tonya looked at Sky. “Chocolate bread pudding.”

“Damn, that sounds delicious. I can’t wait to taste it.”

“It is well worth the wait and calories,” Maxine assured Sky.



Between dinner and dessert, Maxine decided she would open presents. Sky excused herself to the ladies’ room, and Celeste’s eyes trailed her across the room. Nice ass. She has intense gray eyes, too. You don’t see those often. Celeste turned to meet eyes with Keagan. She had the brightest blue eyes and loved how they sparkled when Keagan was happy. They would grow to a deep blue when she was aroused or angry, the latter she had rarely seen. Celeste rested her hand on Keagan’s thigh as they watched Maxine open her gifts with the excitement of a child on Christmas morning. When she opened the golf clubs, she smiled at Keagan.

“Can we break these in next week?”

“Most definitely,” Keagan answered.



When they had Maxine’s trunk filled with presents, she smiled. “I hope everyone will join us at Lynn’s for a night of entertainment.”

“We’ll be right behind you,” Keagan said.

Celeste slipped into the seat beside her and leaned over for a kiss. “I believe she really enjoyed the dinner party.”

“Maxine is always so pleased. We could have served Happy Meals, and she would have acted like they were the best filet mignon in town.”

“It’s good that Tonya insists on serving her the best steak. I’m not much for Happy Meals,” Celeste said.

“We ate more than our share when I was in med school. Ramen noodles, too.”

“I remember those days,” Celeste replied. “Big appetites and empty pockets.”

“Those days are long gone. Now we can have anything we want.” Keagan turned to her at a red light. “I want you to have fun tonight. You know I’m not much of a dancer, but I think the young Texan would love to take you on a few spins around the dance floor.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“You can dance with anyone you wish. I love watching you dance, my love.”

“I hope she knows how to line dance. I miss that.”

“She’s from Texas. Wasn’t it invented there?” Keagan teased.

“Will you at least give me a slow dance?”

“If they play anything slow, you’re on,” Keagan promised.



When the door to the club opened, loud dance music poured out.

“Wow, they have it cranked up already,” Celeste said.

“It looks pretty crowded based on the parking lot. Good thing Tonya reserved tables for us.”

“Shit. I forgot to bring some dollar bills for the drag show,” Celeste groaned.

“I’ve got your back, baby. I’ve got about twenty in my back pocket.”

“Just another reason I love you. You think of everything,” Celeste said, reaching for Keagan’s hand to lead her inside.

They joined the group at a large table near the stage. “I went ahead and ordered your drinks,” Maxine said.

“I’m taking it slow tonight since I’m driving,” Keagan answered.

“Forget slow. Have a good time. I’ll spring for drivers to get everyone home.” Maxine grinned.


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