KL Gallagher

K.L. Gallagher was born and raised in her beloved state of California, where she continues to live with her wife of eight years, two dogs and parakeet. Never shy to express her point of view, it was no surprise K.L. chose a career in law where she has earned a reputation as a fierce attorney during her 14 plus years of practice. But K.L. is far from all work and no play. She has been playing hockey since she was a pre-teen despite growing up in the middle of the Southern California desert with nary a rink in sight. She has captained numerous co-ed and all female teams to championships and earned a spot on a women’s travel team where she met her wife on her way to scoring the regional championship goal to send her team to the national championship tournament. When not in the courtroom, on the ice, or working on her next project, you can find K.L. enjoying family time with her wife and two dogs, curling up with a book, hiking, exercising, cooking, baking, watching sports, traveling, and binging on Netflix and Hulu.
K.L. has been a bookworm as far back as she can remember. She is drawn to strong, independent yet flawed characters with a good heart, even the anti-heroes that are hard to like at times. Her preferred genre is f/f romance and f/f general fiction, but one day she hopes to delve into the world of sapphic sci-fi to pay homage to her wife’s love of the genre. Until then, enjoy K.L.’s debut novel Hat Trick, co-written with Ali Spooner, which is out now!