Jen Silver
When not writing stories, Jen spends her days reading, playing golf, shooting arrows, and enjoying quality time with her wife (not necessarily in that order). Affinity Rainbow Publications published her debut novel, Starting Over, in 2014. Now, with more novels and short stories to her name, there’s not as much time as she thought for other activities.
Running From Love was shortlisted for a 2017 Diva Literary Award (Romance). Changing Perspectives was a finalist for a 2018 Goldie Award (General Fiction).
Audio books include Changing Perspectives, Starting Over, Darcy Comes Home, Country Living, and A Wild Moon Rises – all narrated by Nicola Victoria Vincent.
For the characters in Jen’s stories, life definitely begins at forty, and older, as they continue to discover and enjoy their appetites for adventure and romance.
Take a look at Jen’s blog: or find her on
Facebook: and Twitter: @jenjsilver