Glenda Poulter

Glenda Poulter has been writing poetry, short stories, and novels since she was ten years old, well over half-a-century. Slice of life novels with women who love women as her main characters are her specialty. Strong women with human weaknesses and foibles populate her stories along with their sometimes quirky friends. Her past published work include Welcome Home and Out of the Past.

Glenda lives in central North Carolina with her long-time partner, Lisa, and the felines that rule their lives. She is the proud mother of a daughter and son and doting grandmother of two. Other interests include collecting seashells, the fiber arts (crochet, knitting, quilting), reading, and photography. Glenda seldom meets a stranger and strives to leave everyone she encounters with a smile. Glenda has an affinity with the ocean, and she is sure she was a mermaid in a previous life. Its gift of seashells calls her name on a regular basis.


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